Winter Vegie Garden?
Would you like a Winter Vegie Garden?
Carrick Real Estate can help you with the following advice.
According to some experts, the term winter garden is a misnomer. Winter garden plants mature and are ready to eat when the winter months come around. They’re able to tolerate chilly rains and big temperature drops. With the right timing and care, you can cultivate your own winter vegetable garden that will provide delicious produce during cold winter months.
Planting should begin mid to late summer or early autumn, but if you’re late to the party, you can build a cold frame that covers your crops, protecting them against seasonal winds and frost damage while they bask in the sun to grow, and reuse the frames for seed propagation in spring and summer. Frames can be made from various materials like wood, cement block, fiberglass and more so long as they include a transparent face. They’re also hot beds available that heat your plants from underneath by electric or steam-heated elements. A more natural alternative is fresh manure; it absorbs and retains the heat from the sun for a long time.
Visit a local garden centre to learn more as there may be changes in weather patterns that may impact your yield.
Remember it’s never too late to start planting.